Category: 2011 Round the World
Travel notes, Barcelona day 6
Having been here now for 5 nights, I can say I am really glad we’ve arranged our trip this time to – mostly – be…
In Barcelona: The Sagrada Familia with Kids
Traveling with kids is definitely different to traveling without them. Of course that’s not news. And I’ve traveled with kids before, so this shouldn’t come…
Travel Notes – Day One, Flight Two.
Flying doesn’t give me quite the same buzz it did back when I took my first flight at 19 years old (from Adelaide to Timor via…
Up, Up and Away!
We made it! We’re on the plane! (I´m typing on my iPhone to upload later) First flight, a dash 8 from Canberra to Sydney. Eliane…
Still To Do
Book accommodation in Athens Pack Finishing cleaning out bedroom for housesitters Clean house for house sitters Write out instructions re animals for housesitters Pick up…
Finding the right travel journal for kids
We’ve spoken to Liam’s teacher about whether she wanted to give us some work for him to do while we’re away, since he’ll be missing…
Getting passport photos for the kids
Back when we got Liam’s first passport, when he was about 18 months old, there were still lots of those little photography shops around, where…
Flying with babies (and young children) – the car seat issue
So, we have not yet resolved the umbrella stroller issue (though I have had another recommendation of the Esprit Speed Sun Stroller, which certainly looks…
Buying an umbrella stroller/travel stroller
Last time we went o/s we took our regular stroller with us. It was a relatively lightweight one, and I had bought it specifically for…
To Do List
Travel insurance! Must email our travel agent, Emma, for a quote, but from quick perusal of the brochure she gave us, NRMA looks better. Buy…