- Book accommodation in Athens
- Pack
- Finishing cleaning out bedroom for housesitters
- Clean house for house sitters
- Write out instructions re animals for housesitters
- Pick up tickets from travel agent
- Figure out what we do re frequent flyer etickets – do we need anything printed out?
- Practice using the Kids Fly Safe/CARES contraption on a dining chair for (and with) mikaela, so we can install it quickly and easily in the plane.
- Sort out how the car is getting home from the airport.
- And what the cars are doing during our absence.
- Email the person we’ve never met who’s offered to have us to stay in Manhatten, to confirm details.
- Order SafeRider for Mikaela to be sent to his house, to use in cars in the states.
- Sign up for last pass or something similar and figure out how it works.
- Get travel ($$) cards
- Get Liam (and Mikaela?) a travel journal
- Figure out what to do about phones/sims
- Print out itinerary & photocopy passports and travel insurance to leave with people here.
- Deal with frickin family lice infestation, once and for all!!
- Sinc iPod.
- Do taxes!
- Figure out how we are going to carry passports and travel docs with us
- Print put paraphernalia re CARES & Elli’s carseat, Inc airline/FTA regs re using them.
- Get some sleep!
- Did I mention, Clean House?